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Tacettin İKİZ

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Guide to Changes of British Standard EN 50525, BS 6004 and BS 7211

Started by Lélio Tiago São João, March 06, 2015, 01:12:47 PM

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Lélio Tiago São João

Guide to Changes of British Standard EN 50525, BS 6004 and BS 7211

1. Some existing British Standards featuring HAR products will be withdrawn on 31st December 2012.

2. BS EN 50525 for wiring and flexible cables up to and including 450/750 V was published in September2011 and will become fully effective from 1st January 2013 and replaces a number of existing British Standards being withdrawn on 31st December 2012.

3. There will be changes to existing standards BS 6004 and BS 7211 which were re issued in September 2012.

None of these amendments require changes to Prysmian manufacturing and market practice. Prysmian Guide to ChAnGeS of BritiSh StAndArd numBerS en 50525, BS 6004 And BS 7211

1. the following British Standards will be withdrawn on 31st december 2012 BS 638-4 Arc welding power sources, equipment and accessories. Specification for welding cables

BS 6007 Electric cables — Single core unsheathed heat-resisting cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V, for internal wiring

BS 6500 Electric cables — Flexible cords rated up to 300/500 V, for use with appliances and equipment intended for domestic, office and similar environments

BS 7919 Electric cables — Flexible cables rated up to 450/750 V, for use with appliances and equipment intended for industrial and similar environments

2. the introduction of BS en 50525

In 2011 a new European Standard, EN 50525, covering wiring and flexible cables up to and including 450/750 V was issued and it supersedes the earlier harmonisation documents HD21 and HD22. Previously national standard bodies, such as the BSI, had freedom to issue their own national technically equivalent standards. Now, the new EN format must be implemented unchanged. The British Standards Institute therefore published all 18 parts of BS EN 50525.

One impact of this will be that 6491X and 6491B currently manufactured and tested to BS 6004 and BS 7211 are now excluded from those British Standards and are now be covered by EN 50525.

6491X: Previously BS 6004 Now manufactured to BS EN 50525-2-31:2011

6491B: Previously BS 7211 Now manufactured to BS EN 50525-3-41:2011. 90 °C cross linked

A number of cables with UK CMA codes and harmonised references will now be covered by the BS as shown in the table below:

2.a table of existing standards, harmonised codes and new Standard numbers uK cable codes hAr codes new cable standard

2491X H05V U BS EN 50525-2-31

2491X HO5V K BS EN 50525-2-31

6491X HO7VU BS EN 50525-2-31

6491X HO7VR BS EN 50525-2-31

6491X H07VK BS EN 50525-2-31

218-Y H03VV F BS EN 50525-2-11

2192Y HO3VVH2 F BS EN 50525-2-11

318-Y H05VVF BS EN 50525-2-11

3192Y H05VVH2 F BS EN 50525-2-11

2491B H05Z U BS EN 50525-3-41

2491B H05Z K BS EN 50525-3-41

6491B H07Z U BS EN 50525-3-41

6491B H07Z R BS EN 50525-3-41

6491B H07Z K BS EN 50525-3-41

218-B H03Z1Z1 F BS EN 50525-3-11

2192B H03Z1Z1H2 F BS EN 50525-3-11

318-B H05Z1Z1 F BS EN 50525-3-11

3192B H05Z1Z1 H2 F BS EN 50525-3-11

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Tacettin İKİZ

Guide to Changes of British Standard EN 50525, BS 6004 and BS 7211

1. Withdrawal of Existing British Standards
Several existing British Standards related to HAR products were scheduled to be withdrawn on 31st December 2012. These include:

  • BS 638-4: Arc welding power sources, equipment, and accessories. Specification for welding cables.
  • BS 6007: Electric cables — Single core unsheathed heat-resisting cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V, for internal wiring.
  • BS 6500: Electric cables — Flexible cords rated up to 300/500 V, for use with appliances and equipment intended for domestic, office, and similar environments.
  • BS 7919: Electric cables — Flexible cables rated up to 450/750 V, for use with appliances and equipment intended for industrial and similar environments.
2. Introduction of BS EN 50525
In 2011, a new European Standard, EN 50525, was issued, covering wiring and flexible cables up to and including 450/750 V. This standard supersedes the earlier harmonisation documents HD21 and HD22. Unlike previous practices where national bodies like BSI could issue technically equivalent national standards, the new EN format must be implemented without modifications.

As a result, the British Standards Institute (BSI) published all 18 parts of BS EN 50525. Consequently, certain cables previously manufactured and tested to BS 6004 and BS 7211 are now excluded from those standards and are covered by EN 50525.

  • 6491X: Previously manufactured to BS 6004, now covered by BS EN 50525-2-31:2011.
  • 6491B: Previously manufactured to BS 7211, now covered by BS EN 50525-3-41:2011 (90 °C cross-linked).
3. Changes to Existing Standards BS 6004 and BS 7211
Both BS 6004 and BS 7211 were reissued in September 2012 with amendments. These changes do not require any modifications to Prysmian's manufacturing or market practices.

4. Table of Existing Standards, Harmonised Codes, and New Standard Numbers
The following table outlines the existing UK cable codes, harmonised codes, and their corresponding new standards:

UK Cable CodesHAR CodesNew Cable Standard
2491XH05V UBS EN 50525-2-31
2491XH05V KBS EN 50525-2-31
6491XH07V UBS EN 50525-2-31
6491XH07V RBS EN 50525-2-31
6491XH07V KBS EN 50525-2-31
218-YH03VV FBS EN 50525-2-11
2192YH03VVH2 FBS EN 50525-2-11
318-YH05VV FBS EN 50525-2-11
3192YH05VVH2 FBS EN 50525-2-11
2491BH05Z UBS EN 50525-3-41
2491BH05Z KBS EN 50525-3-41
6491BH07Z UBS EN 50525-3-41
6491BH07Z RBS EN 50525-3-41
6491BH07Z KBS EN 50525-3-41
218-BH03Z1Z1 FBS EN 50525-3-11
2192BH03Z1Z1H2 FBS EN 50525-3-11
318-BH05Z1Z1 FBS EN 50525-3-11
3192BH05Z1Z1 H2 FBS EN 50525-3-11

The introduction of BS EN 50525 represents a significant shift in cable standardisation across Europe, ensuring uniformity by replacing various national standards. The amendments to BS 6004 and BS 7211 in 2012 align with this transition, though they do not necessitate changes in manufacturing processes. The detailed table provides clarity on the transition of various UK cable codes to their new European equivalents.
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