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Comparison of ICON acc. to EN 50288-7 and BS 5308

Started by Eadwyn ECCLESTONE, August 14, 2013, 02:32:29 PM

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Comparison of ICON acc. to EN 50288-7 and BS 5308

EN 50288-7 A European standard for instrument cables replacing BS 5308

"The international market for instrumentation cables is largely characterised by an immense number of different products – with a further rising tendency........"
"In this way the 'instrumentation cables' are invented again and again with all corresponding consequences of loss of economic viability, clearness, rapidity, in
summary of loss of efficiency in handling. The few existing national standards for instrumentation cables (eg, UK, France) are not suited as specification basis for the
international scene. Tailor-made to its national market demands, they cover only a small fraction of the constructional and performance requirements of the international

The new European Standard EN 50288-7 for instrumentation cables, erected by the European Standardisation Organisation CENELEC and published in September 2005, is suited to solve this problem. It describes: "Single and multi-element cables with copper conductors...They may be individually and/or overall screened and optionally may incorporate armouring and/or moisture or environmental protection layers." The constructional design options cover more or less the complete range of products worldwide completed by well-coordinated material and test standards. Thus, a conclusive, quality-assured standardised work, closed unit is now available.
The structure of this standard is comparable to IEC 60502-1, the standard for low voltage power cables. It does not contain finished products, but it specifies the
single cable elements with its permitted constructional variants as well as the
respective characteristic demands."

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