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Tacettin İKİZ

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What is it LOI?

Started by aiden, December 10, 2012, 10:15:45 AM

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i see always LOI index at the material can you explain that?



The limiting oxygen index (LOI) is the minimum concentration of oxygen, expressed as a percentage, that will support combustion of a polymer. It is measured by passing a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen over a burning specimen, and reducing the oxygen level until a critical level is reached. [1]

LOI values for different plastics are determined by standardized tests, such as the ISO 4589 and ASTM D2863


The Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) is a measure of the ratio of Oxygen to other gases in the air surrounding a substrate.

Normal atmospheric air (i.e. the air we breathe) is approximately 21% Oxygen, so a material with an LOI of less than 21% would burn easily in air. That being said, a material with LOI of greater than 21% but less than 28% would be considered "slow burning". A material with LOI of greater than 28% would be considered "self-extinguising". A self-extinguishing material is one that would stop burning after the removal of the fire or ignition source.

Here are some typical values for LOI of some popular plastic materials

Polyethylene, Polypropylene: 17.4%

PET: 21-34%

Nylon 6,6: 24-29%

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): 45-49%

Halar (E-CTFE): 64%

Teflon (PTFE): 95%

Nomex: 28%


Oxygen-Index Methods

Oxygen index methods, which describes the tendency of a material to sustain a flame, are widely used as a tool to investigate the flammability of polymers. They provide a convenient, reproducible, means of determining a numerical measure of flammability. A further attraction is that the test method uses inexpensive equipment and only requires a small sample size. These methods have been used to systematical investigate the relative flammabilities of fire-retarded materials, frequently comparing the effectiveness of fire-retardants and fire-retardancy mechanisms.

The quintessential feature of oxygen-index methods is that the sample is burnt within a controlled atmosphere. The standard procedure is to ignite the top of the sample, using a gas flame which is withdrawn once ignition has occurred, and to find the lowest oxygen concentration in an upward flowing mixture of nitrogen and oxygen which just supports sustained burning. The criticality criterion typically takes the form of a minimum burning length: either specifying that the sample must burn for a certain length of time or that a specified length of material be consumed. The effectiveness of fire retardants is measured by the change in the critical oxygen concentration that they induce as a function of their concentration.

The limiting oxygen index (LOI), also called the critical oxygen index (COI) or oxygen index (OI), is defined as:

LOI = [O2,cr]                             Equation (1),
      [O2,cr] + [N2]

where [O2,cr] and [N2] are the minimum oxygen concentration in the inflow gases required to pass the ``minimum burning length'' criterion and the nitrogen concentration in the inflow gases respectively. If the inflow gases are maintained at constant pressure then the denominator of equation~(1) is constant since any reduction in the partial pressure (concentration) of oxygen is balanced by a corresponding increase in the partial pressure (concentration) of nitrogen. Limiting oxygen index is more commonly reported as a percentage rather than fraction.

Since air comprises about 20.95% oxygen by volume, any material with a limiting oxygen index less than this will burn easily in air. Conversely, the burning behaviour and tendency to propagate flame for a polymer with a limiting oxygen index greater than 20.95 will be reduced or even zero after removal of the igniting source. Self-sustaining combustion is not possible if LOI>100, such values are not physically meaningful.

In (Nelson 2001) we investigated how the introduction of a fire-retardant changes the oxygen index of a material. For this purpose it is useful to assign materials into experimentally meaningful groupings depending upon their oxygen index. The minimum level of retardancy required to increase the classification of a material can then be calculated. From the preceding paragraph two obvious groupings are LOI<20.95$ and LOI>100. We refer to materials satisfying these requirements as being ``flammable'' and ``intrinsically non-flammable'' respectively. Several researchers have suggested that materials with a a limiting oxygen index greater than 28 are generally self-extinguishing (Horrocks et al 1989). We describe materials satisfying 28.00 < LOI < 100 as being ``self-extinguishing''. The threshold LOI=20.95 is of great practical interest and we define materials with a limiting oxygen index of 20.95 as being ``marginally stable''. We follow Fenimore (1975) and refer to materials that are between the marginally stable and self-extinguishing thresholds, i.e. 20.95< LOI< 28, as being ``slow-burning''.

Marginally-stable materials form a natural set for a quantification of the efficiency of fire-retardant mechanisms. We achieve this by finding the value of the relevant continuation parameter to increase the LOI of these materials to 28.0, the transition between slow-burning and self-extinguishing polymers, and to 100, the threshold for intrinsically non-flammable materials.

It should be realised that our classification of materials (flammable, slow-burning, self-extinguishing, intrinsically non-flammable) is specific to the limiting oxygen index test, i.e. a material that is self-extinguishing here is not necessarily self-extinguishing in another test method. The tenet in the limiting oxygen index is that the higher the value of the LOI the `safer' the material. However, we stress that results from one test method do not necessarily agree with another (Emmons 1974). The reasons for this were alluded to in the opening paragraph. Thus throughout this paper an assignment of a material as being self-extinguishing is short-hand for ``self-extinguishing in the limited oxygen index test''.

Additional details of oxygen-index methods and their applications, particularly to assessing the burning behaviour of textiles, are provided in the comprehensive review by Horrocks et al (1989).
Dynamical systems models for polymer combustion

A complete description of the mechanisms leading to the establishment of a flame over a burning surface requires consideration of mass and heat transport in both the gas and solid phases. Although the overall phenomena are complicated, two salient processes, one in each phase, must occur if a material is to ignite. The solid must first decompose to release volatiles into the boundary layer. These gases must then mix with surrounding air to produce a flammable mixture, which then either autoignites or is ignited by an external source, such as a pilot flame. Traditionally fire scientists have used highly simplified models which, typically, examine these key processes in isolation. Recently non-linear dynamical systems models have been developed describing these processes (Rychlý and Rychlá 1986; Búcsi and Rychlý 1992; Rychlý and Costa 1995; Rychlý and Rychlá 1996; Nelson 1998)

Rychlý and co-workers have developed a two-phase dynamical systems model describing the transient burning behaviour of polymers in the limiting oxygen index test and the cone calorimeter (Rychlý and Rychlá 1986; Búcsi and Rychlý 1992; Rychlý and Costa 1995; Rychlý and Rychlá 1996). This model has been used to investigate the action of certain types of fire retardants (Rychlý and Rychlá 1986; Rychlý and Rychlá 1996) and it has been established that there is a good coincidence between calculated and experimental values (Rychlý and Costa 1995). It has been validated as a suitability tool to investigate polymer ignitability and burning, capturing the essence of the two test methods.

Nelson et al introduced a revision of the Rychlý limiting oxygen index model. The essential features of the model were retained, some inconsistencies in the modelling of certain physical and chemical processes being eliminated. It was shown that a limiting oxygen index can be defined in a steady-state formulation as an extinction limit point. In (Nelson 2001) the revised Rychlý model was extended to consider two solid-phase fire-retardant mechanisms: non-competitive char formation and dilution by addition of an inert filler. We investigated how effective these mechanisms are at increasing the oxygen-index, paying particular attention to the retardation of marginally-stable materials.


    A. Búcsi and J. Rychlý 1992. A theoretical approach to understanding the connection between ignitability and flammability parameters of organic polymers. Polymer Degradadtion and Stability 38 33-40.
    H.W. Emmons 1974. Fire and fire protection. Scientific American, 231(1) 21-27.
    C.P. Fenimore 1975. Candle-type test for flammability of polymers. In Flame-retardant polymeric materials volume 1, editors M. Lewin, S.M. Atlas, and E.M. Pearce (New York: Plenum) pp 371-397.
    A.R. Horrocks, M. Tunc, and D. Price 1989. The burning behaviour of textiles and its assessment by oxygen-index methods. Textile Progress 18(1-3) 1-205.
    M.I. Nelson 1998. Ignition mechanisms of thermally thin thermoplastics in the cone calorimeter. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 454 789-814.
    M.I. Nelson 2001. A dynamical systems model of the limiting oxygen index test: II. Retardancy due to char formation and addition of inert fillers. Combustion Theory and Modelling 5 59-83.
    M.I. Nelson, H.S. Sidhu, R.O. Weber, and G.N. Mercer 2001. A dynamical systems model of the limiting oxygen index test. ANZIAM Journal, 43(1) 105-117.
    J. Rychlý and L. Costa 1995. Modelling of polymer ignition and burning adopted for cone calorimeter measurements: The correlation between the rate of heat release and oxygen index. Fire and Materials 19 215-220.
    J. Rychlý and L. Rychlá 1986. Effect of flame retardants on polyolefines. Fire and Materials 10 7-10.
    J. Rychlý and L. Rychlá 1996. Modelling of heat-release rate-time curves from cone calorimeter for burning of polymers with intumescence additives. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 54, 249-254.

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Tacettin İKİZ

Understanding LOI:
The Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) is a measure of a material's flammability. It represents the minimum concentration of oxygen, expressed as a percentage, required to sustain combustion of the material under specified test conditions. In simpler terms, it indicates how much oxygen is needed for the material to keep burning once it has been ignited.

How LOI is Measured:
Sample Preparation: A small sample of the material is placed in a vertical glass chimney.

Gas Mixture: A controlled mixture of oxygen and nitrogen gases is passed over the sample.

Oxygen Concentration: The concentration of oxygen in the gas mixture is gradually increased until the sample either burns for a specified length (typically 3 inches or 50 mm) or self-extinguishes.

LOI Calculation: The LOI value is the percentage of oxygen in the gas mixture at the point where the sample just maintains combustion.

LOI Formula:
The LOI is calculated using the following formula:


O₂ is the minimum oxygen concentration in the inflow gases to pass the minimum burning length criterion.

N₂ is the minimum nitrogen concentration in the inflow gases to pass the minimum burning length criterion.

Importance of LOI:
Fire Resistance: Materials with a higher LOI are less likely to catch fire and burn, making them more fire-resistant.

Safety Standards: LOI is used to assess the fire safety of materials and ensure they comply with safety regulations.

Applications: It is important in industries such as construction, transportation, and consumer products to evaluate the suitability of materials for use in fire-prone environments.

Imagine you are testing a new plastic material for use in an electrical cable. You perform the LOI test and find that the material has an LOI of 28%. This means that the material requires at least 28% oxygen to sustain combustion, which is higher than the atmospheric oxygen concentration of approximately 21%. Therefore, the material is considered fire-resistant and suitable for use in environments where fire safety is critical.

Applications of LOI:
Quality Control: Used as a quality control tool during the manufacturing of products and assemblies.

Material Selection: Helps in selecting materials for applications where fire safety is a concern.

Research and Development: Assists in evaluating the effectiveness of flame retardant additives during R&D.

I hope this provides a detailed explanation of LOI, its measurement, and its importance. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!
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Tacettin İKİZ

    What is LOI (Limiting Oxygen Index)?

    The Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) is a critical parameter used to evaluate the flammability of materials, especially those used in cable design and manufacturing. LOI is defined as the minimum concentration of oxygen, expressed as a percentage, that is required to sustain the combustion of a material under standardized test conditions. This index provides a quantitative measure of how easily a material can burn in an oxygen-rich environment.

    Definition of LOI
    LOI is mathematically expressed as:

    LOI (%) = O2 / (O2 + N2) × 100

    - O2 is the volume of oxygen in the test environment
    - N2 is the volume of nitrogen in the test environment

    A higher LOI value indicates that a greater concentration of oxygen is required to sustain combustion, meaning the material is less flammable. Conversely, a lower LOI value suggests that the material can burn more easily in lower oxygen concentrations.

    LOI Values for Common Materials

    The LOI values of various materials used in cable insulation and sheathing can vary widely. Below are some typical LOI values for commonly used polymers:

    • Polyethylene (PE) - 17-19%
    • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) - 27-45%
    • Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE) - 18-21%
    • Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE or Teflon) - >95%
    • Polypropylene (PP) - 17-18%
    • Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) - 19-22%
    • Silicone Rubber - 24-30%
    Purpose of LOI in Cable Design

    The primary purpose of determining the LOI of materials used in cable design is to ensure fire safety and compliance with international standards. Cables are often installed in environments where fire hazards are a significant concern, such as buildings, industrial facilities, transportation systems, and offshore platforms. The use of materials with high LOI values helps reduce the risk of fire propagation, enhancing the overall safety of the installation.

    Applications of LOI in Cable Design

    LOI is an essential parameter in the design of various types of cables, including:

    • Power Cables
      Power cables are used to transmit electrical energy in residential, commercial, and industrial installations. In high-risk environments, such as chemical plants and oil refineries, it is crucial to use power cables with high LOI materials to prevent fire spread.

    • Data and Communication Cables
      Data and communication cables are used in information transmission systems, including Ethernet and fiber optic networks. Flame-retardant materials with high LOI values are essential in these cables to ensure network reliability and safety.

    • Instrumentation Cables
      Instrumentation cables are used in control systems and signal transmission. The use of materials with high LOI values helps maintain the integrity of control signals during fire incidents.

    • Marine and Offshore Cables
      Cables used in marine and offshore environments must have high fire resistance due to the confined nature of ships and offshore platforms. High LOI materials are critical in preventing catastrophic fire incidents in these environments.
    LOI Testing Methodology

    LOI testing is conducted using a standardized method, such as ASTM D2863 or ISO 4589. The test involves placing a sample of the material in a vertical position within a glass column, where a controlled mixture of oxygen and nitrogen is introduced. The sample is ignited, and the oxygen concentration is gradually reduced until the flame can no longer be sustained.

    The test procedure can be summarized as follows:

    • Sample Preparation
      A uniform strip of the material is prepared according to the dimensions specified in the standard.

    • Ignition
      The sample is ignited at the top using a controlled flame.

    • Oxygen-Nitrogen Mixture
      A mixture of oxygen and nitrogen is introduced into the column at a specified flow rate.

    • Observation
      The flame behavior is observed, and the oxygen concentration is gradually decreased until the flame extinguishes.

    • LOI Calculation
      The LOI value is calculated based on the oxygen concentration at which the flame could no longer be sustained.
    Factors Affecting LOI

    Several factors can influence the LOI value of a material, including:

    • Chemical Composition
      The inherent flammability of the material's chemical structure plays a significant role in determining its LOI value. Materials with halogen atoms, such as chlorine and fluorine, tend to have higher LOI values due to their flame-retardant properties.

    • Additives
      Flame-retardant additives, such as metal hydroxides (e.g., aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide) and phosphorus-based compounds, can significantly increase the LOI value of polymers.

    • Density
      The density of the material can affect its thermal conductivity and, consequently, its LOI value. Higher density materials may exhibit better flame resistance.
    Standards and Regulations Involving LOI

    Various international standards and regulations specify the LOI requirements for materials used in cable design. These include:

    • IEC 60332 - "Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions"
    • UL 94 - "Standard for Safety of Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances"
    • BS 6853 - "Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains"
    • NFPA 130 - "Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems"
    Benefits of High LOI Materials in Cables

    Using high LOI materials in cable design offers several advantages:

    • Enhanced Fire Safety
      High LOI materials reduce the likelihood of fire ignition and propagation, improving overall safety.

    • Regulatory Compliance
      High LOI materials help manufacturers meet stringent fire safety standards and regulations.

    • Reduced Damage
      In the event of a fire, cables with high LOI materials are less likely to contribute to fire spread, reducing potential damage to equipment and infrastructure.

    • Increased Reliability
      High LOI materials maintain the integrity of electrical and communication systems during fire incidents, ensuring continued operation of critical systems.

    LOI is a crucial parameter in the design and selection of materials for cables, particularly in high-risk environments where fire safety is a primary concern. By understanding the LOI values of different materials and their behavior under fire conditions, manufacturers can develop safer and more reliable cable products. Adhering to international standards and employing high LOI materials in cable design not only ensures compliance but also enhances the overall safety and performance of electrical and communication systems.

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